Everybody is asking me who is my target market. I do not intend to create for a specific target market – the art pieces chooses the right persons... this is what I believe. Beautiful people still exists and they show up when I am expecting less. The fact they can find in my arts something unique, peaceful, nice, warm, aggressive, deceptive, honest, and dirty or anything else is flattering me.
6 July 1978
Ramnicu Sarat, Buzau County.
High school of Arts „Octav Bancila” in Iasi.
Arts Academy „George Enescu” in Iasi, sculpture department.
Master in decorative arts – Arts University „George Enescu” Iasi.
Since 2005 Member of Artists Union of Romania.
Since 2010 Teacher at kindergarten Workshop no. 1, Iasi.Exhibitions
2014 - Theodor Pallady Gallery, Winter Salon - A.R.T.E. International Festival.
2014 - Dragobete Art - Palas Mall Iasi.
2014 - Hart Exhibition - Palas Mall Iasi.
2013 - International Exhibition "Dialogue with Sacred" Iasi. Second Edition.
2013 - Romanian Art expo in Zajecar Serbia – Institute „Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi”.
2013 - Biennale for Contemporaneous Art - meeting point - Arad biennial.
2013 - C. Brancusi Art Gallery – Romanian Parliament - Bucharest.
2013 - Royal Foundation Gallery - Iasi.
2013 - National Decorative Art Salon - Cotroceni Museum - Bucuresti.
2012 - International Exhibition "Dialogue with Sacred" Iasi.
2012 - Sculpture Exhibition organised for the European Union Prize Ceremony for Cultural Heritage Conservation of historical monuments Monastery Golia Iasi.
2012 - International Exhibition "Eminesciana" Iasi.
2012 - Chisinau exhibition, Republic of Moldova.
2011 - Cucuteni – Iasi – International Symposium of visual arts "Human".
2010 - Annual Salon for small sculpture – Ion Vlasiu – Bucharest.
2010 - Performance – France Cultural Centre – Iasi.
2010 - Exhibition „Cupola” – Iasi.
2009 - International Symposium of contemporaneous art - Istanbul-Izmir, Turcia.
2009 - Expoart – Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
2009 - Exhibition – Autumn Salon – Barlad
2009 - Exhibition - Cuhnia, Mogosoaia Palace – Bucharest.
2009 - International School of Art - Techirghiol.
2008 - Exhibition - Atelier 35 Iasi.
2007 - Exhibition – Moldova’s Salons (Chisinau–Bacau).
2007 - Exhibition - „Romtelecom” Iasi.
2003-2013 - Exhibition – Annual Salon U.A.P. Iasi.
2003 - Exhibition - Art and Sacrality, Cucuteni, lasi
2000, 2001 - Exhibition - „Victoria” Room – Brasov.
1999 - Exhibition – Town Hall Room – Sarata Monteoru, Buzau.
1999 - Exhibition – Art Academy in Iasi.
1999 - Exhibition - StudentFest - Timisoara.
1998, 1999, 2000 - Exhibition – Students’ House - Bucharest.
1998 - Exhibition – Students House - Iasi.
1999 - Exhibition - „C. Brancoveanu” Museum, Rm. Sarat.Monuments
- Bust Florica Cristoforeanu (born May 16, 1887, Ramnicu Sarat - died March 1, 1960, Rio de Janeiro) was a Romanian singer of opera, operetta and lieder. Exposed at the Cultural Center "Florica Cristoforeanu" Ramnicu Sarat.
- Bust Alexandru Sihleanu (b. 1834, Bucharest - died 1857) was a Roman romantic poet. Exposed to Alexandru Sihleanu Cultural Foundation, in Sihlea, Vrancea.
- Bust Elisabeta de Wied (known as Elizabeth, queen of Romania, full name: Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Luise zu Wied, born December 29, 1843, Neuwied, Germany - d.18 February 1916 (SN March 2), Curtea de Arges). She was the wife of Carol I Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, patron of the arts, founder of charitable institutions, poet, essayist and writer. It was originally known as the Princess Elisabeth von Wied, after becoming Queen as patron of the arts, adopted the pseudonym Carmen Sylva. Exposed at School Carmen Silva, Iasi.
- Monument Lupa Capitolina (in italian wolf on Capitol), also called Lupa Roman. Exposed at City Hall Rm Sarat.
- Bust Pavel Zăgănescu (1815-1897) was a Roman fire captain who led the Romanians Fire Company in the battle of Spirii Hill at September 13, 1848 against the Ottoman troops. Day 13 September Day became firefighters. Exposed at the firehouse, town Rm Sarat.Awards
Iasi, Romania
Str. Strapungere Silvestru nr. T35.Phone:+40 745 589374
E-mail:leopaun@yahoo.comOnline shop:www.fine-art.ro
Iasi, Romania
Str. Strapungere Silvestru nr. T35.Phone:+40 745 589374
E-mail: leopaun@yahoo.com
pinterestIf you wish to buy one of my work, you can contact me directly or visit the online shop.
Online shop: www.fine-art.ro
Privacy Policy
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Quisque nulla. Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget, malesuada at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus. Nulla facilisi. Aenean nec eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sollicitudin velit sed leo. Ut pharetra augue nec augue. Nam elit magna, hendrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla. Donec porta diam eu massa. Quisque diam lorem, interdum vitae, dapibus ac, scelerisque vitae, pede. Donec eget tellus non erat lacinia fermentum. Donec in velit vel ipsum auctor pulvinar. Proin ullamcorper urna et felis.
Vestibulum iaculis lacinia est. Proin dictum elementum velit. Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed dolor. Aliquam congue fermentum nisl. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venenatis. In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in, auctor ut, ligula. Aliquam dapibus tincidunt metus. Praesent justo dolor, lobortis quis, lobortis dignissim, pulvinar ac, lorem. Vestibulum sed ante. Donec sagittis euismod purus.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore.
E-mail: info@demolink.org
Sculpture is by far my biggest passion ... this is where incised graphic signs, polished or coloured volumes, combination of different metals is leading your thought to the impulses of memory and unconsciousness. Of course the great technique is required, but I like the boldness and adventure ... I know how far I should go and I do not stop before achieving a new piece of art. With deep roots in my childhood, the ideas I am expressing are of general value and they are speaking to all people. My sculpture is not complicated and I think the continuous movements from the atom to the idea, from spirituality to matter, configures a specific tri-dimensional universe and I believe they are presenting the human in the way he is.
The immense treasure of goodness that exists in all humans has to be brought out and I believe this is more important than the perfection of form. So, I’ll remain a dreamer...
Erotic, walnut wood patinated/metal, 22x38x14 cm -
Gangrene Flower, walnut wood/acacia wood/bronze, 14x45x12 cm -
Noah's Ark, walnut wood/bronze, 45x12x25 cm -
The path, cherry wood/walnut wood/metal, 35x12x22 cm -
The Castle, pear wood/bronze, 65x18x18 cm -
And the Queen, mulberry wood/bronze, 31x16x16 cm -
Aggressive Girl, walnut wood/plum wood/bronze, 15x16x30 cm -
Girl with cool fringe, walnut wood/pear wood/tan, 28x22x38 cm -
Girl with pigtails, walnut wood/bronze, 14x14x35 cm -
Portrait, glazed ceramic, 22x38x16 cm -
Dead man and his time -
The ship
If you wish to buy one of my work, you can contact me directly or visit the online shop www.fine-art.ro.
Contemporary Jewelry is a continuation of sculpture (but that does not mean it is less important to me), in which I put few thoughts about ideas, solutions or harmony of things. Of course that fine manufactures plays an important role ... but it not only about that. It requires a mix of philosophy, art, sadness, humour, happiness and pieces of soul ...and besides this an amalgam of images, sensations, stories, feelings etc. And then, slowly, a jewelry is born....
Free bird brooch, yew wood/bronze, 7cm -
Bird's eye brooch, horn wood/Murano glass, 7 cm -
Cubic center ring, plum wood/bronze, 5 cm -
Nest ring, walnut wood/bronze, diam. 4 cm -
Vue ring, walut wood, 2,5 cm -
Bo-at ring, horn wood/Murano glass/silver/ 4,5 cm -
Mobil jewelery, horn wood/bronze/Murano glass, 4 cm -
Buble ring, walnut wood/Murano glass, 5cm -
Soft ring, walnut wood/Murano glass, 5,5 cm -
Frail portrait pendant, yew wood/bronze/silver, 3,5 cm -
Grass light pendant, horn wood/diamond/silver, aprox 4cm -
Hair pin (Casandra's Pin), yew wood/bronze, 12 cm -
M.O. ring, horn wood/Murano glass, 3x3 cm
If you wish to buy one of my work, you can contact me directly or visit the online shop www.fine-art.ro.
As I've said many times, I believe you can do nothing without drawing... its mandatory for all plastic approaches, decorative or as final expression of ideas, feelings or events. Let think that through the two-dimensional (paper format) the line is transformed into three-dimensional which means: volumes, universes with zooming, lights, shadows and reflections.
So, when you get to that point where through a simple drawn line you suggest an emotion... it means you have gone far.
No title. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
Today when I stopped thinking. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
Fecund ass and Prince Charming. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
The Show. Pen/paper. -
Cucu oan ele. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
The dead man, the tree and his lover. Pen/paper. -
Butterflies and her mind. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
The people, the horse and I. Pen/paper. -
Life is tangled as the ass hair. Pen/paper. -
The seven hells. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
Blunt. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
Crone Dochia, the cat, the owl and Prince Charming's dead horse. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper. -
The dead man, his world and the queen. Pen/paper. -
...And then the question does nothing than to keep the questioningly man in his limits. Pen/paper. -
...good is what gets the object of general yearning. Pen/paper. -
Many of the things hidden to man will be revealed to you – Ecclesiastes. Pen/paper. -
Great rubru. Pen/paper. -
No title. Pen/paper.
If you wish to buy one of my work, you can contact me directly or visit the online shop www.fine-art.ro. .
It is true that sometime the graphic and dramatic style of my paintings can scare you. However the colour manages to counterbalance this feeling, helped by strength, rough sometime, of drawing or 'collage' of metals, objects, bottles, etc.
The figures are amazed, fearful, loving, speechless, blind, rebellious, passionate, sulk, torn and always surrounded by an empty space, emptiness dominated by doubts and anxieties. The characters are always situates in eternal difficulties and always deep down are analysed the profound expressions of the soul in unusual positions, having forced gestures and twisted expressions, where love and death are intertwined.
Calm woman, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
Devil's daughter, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
The girl and the sheep, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
Peacock's woman, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
Dual sim, acrylic/canvas, 40x75 cm -
Sleek, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
Playful woman, acrylic/canvas, 40x75 cm -
No name, acrylic/canvas, 50x120 cm -
Created woman/Inside head, painting between two layers of glass fused, metal intarsia, 44x44 cm -
Blinded woman/Inside the eye, painting between two layers of glass fused, metal intarsia, 44x44 cm -
Furious woman/Inside body, painting between two layers of glass fused, metal intarsia, 44x88 cm
If you wish to buy one of my work, you can contact me directly or visit the online shop www.fine-art.ro.
I don't how it started, but it started.
First I was drawing on the pillow cases, then on the door frames and walls. When I was in the primary school I was stealing the chalk and being inspired by my father philatelic collection I was making the first sculptures, portraits of some celebrities.
Next, the art teacher, Mrs. Chivu discovers me, and takes me to the Children Club, how it was called back then. She has the initiative to talk to my parents and convince them to send me to an Arts School. During this time I discover my mother's uncle, Constantin Popescu (amateur painter) who fascinates me with drawing lessons (statics nature and portraits) and with the Russian painting’s albums (that's all you could find in the small town of Ramnicu Sarat).
I'll be in 8th grade (14 years old) when I will go to the School of Arts in Iasi - Octav Bancila. I am learning from the graphic’s teacher Huhurez Zamfir (who dies after few years). Next year I am accepted in the Arts’ high school – the painting class, and I have the meeting of my life with the sculpture teacher Petru Ignat. At the end of 9th grade my life is radically changing, I discover new things, totally unknown to me until then. Everything changes and has a different meaning - books, work, art studio - I start to wish my own art studio although my teacher’s studio was like my own. In the 10th grade of the high school, thanks to professor Ignat, my colleagues and I, will organise and participate to the first sculpture exhibition. Meanwhile, during holidays I start building with my hands my own studio in Ramnicu Sarat. It’s still exists today on top of my parents’ house, with everything in: bed, work desk, tools’ desk, and terrace. I learn how to work for money, the teacher Ignat is introducing me to the art collectors from Iasi and I create pieces of arts in marble, granite or wood.
Years passes and I am admitted to the Arts University George Enescu in Iasi, where I study with the teachers Simion Cristea and Dan Covataru. I continue to work in Ignat’s studio and a special relationship is connecting us. My work art is different, I am at a different level. I start to understand the importance of drawing in everything I do and I am learning a lot of techniques, vital to my activity. The teacher Ignat become sick and is coming less and less in the studio. I bring him in, time to time, but usually we go out for a coffee and discuss all kind of things and makes a lot of plans. Before he dies, he is giving me the studio with everything in it. I am getting married and somehow I split myself between the studio and family but unfortunately I am neglecting the Teacher. I am neglecting him, and despite the fact I know it, I am doing nothing to change the situation and visit him. My Teacher dies and shame on me I am not aware of the exact date. When I find out about his death I have a sense of guilty.
It will follow a very stressful time because of the high maintenance cost of an art studio. The debts inherited from the Teacher are overwhelming. However there is bright side, I start to draw again a lot.
Sculpture is not neglected and as a continuation of the sculpture I am creating jewelleries. I start again to paint (in the years after graduation I painted a lot and I sold everything in the U.S., Brazil, Canada, Japan and Europe).
I am going back to my old habits, participating in exhibitions, as I did before. I play with the performance and installation, I participate to documentation stages in the country and abroad.
Related to sculpture I receive orders for various public monuments to make them out of bronze (Lupa Capitolina, Paul Zaganescu).
For daily life I am creating objects out of glass and ceramic. After failing to teach art in the Octav Bancila High School, I start to teach art in a private school and kindergarten called Workshop no. 1 with great satisfactions this time. I spend a lot of time in the studio where I draw, paint or do other things. I participate in exhibitions in Romania and Europe.